Change Created, Modified, and Accessed Date
of Your Files

Simple, secure, and completely private.
No data storage.

Explore Features

Modify File Timestamps

Select your files and set the desired date and time below

Upload files

or drag and drop

Any file type supported

Powerful Features

Everything you need to modify your file timestamps

Precise Time Control

Set exact timestamps down to the second. Supports created, modified, and accessed date and time which you want to change.

Privacy First

We never store your files or any other data.

Timezone Smart

Automatic timezone detection ensures your timestamps are always accurate.

How It Works


Select Files

Choose the files you want to modify from your computer


Set Times

Set modified, created, and accessed date which you want to change for the selected files



Click "Modify Timestamps" button and get your modified files instantly

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about our service

Is this process safe for my files when using this file date modifier?

Yes, absolutely. We never store your files or any other related data.

What file types are supported?

All file types on Windows computers are supported. The timestamp modification process works independently of file content, meaning you can modify timestamps for any type of file on your system.

Will this file date modifier affect file content?

No, only the timestamps are modified. The file content remains completely unchanged. Our tool only updates the metadata related to created, modified, and accessed date.

How accurate are the timestamps?

Our tool provides precise control down to the second. We also automatically handle timezone conversions to ensure the timestamps you set appear correctly on your system.